Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blog it.

How many of you come across a situation and the first thought to cross your mind is, "Oh my! I should blog this!"?

Its fascinating how thousands of people post thousands of blogs each day. Be it about their day to day lives, or something interesting they came across, or their opinions on world happenings. They find the time to blog it for all to see. Which makes me question, how many people actually go through all these blogs? When you log in to your account, do you take time to read random blogs posted by complete strangers? Do you take time to comment on them?

I've read quite a few myself ranging from movie reviews to sex tips! Oh yes, people do blog about the weirdest of things. There are blogs with over a 100 articles! And then there are blogs like mine with just a handful. Could it be that writing about something is a way to deal or cope with a problem? Or is it a safer way to express your opinions? Or then again maybe half the bloggers are just merely bored in life and blogging has become their all time favorite hobby!

Whatever the reason may be, I am not the one to judge cause I too am a fellow blogger. What I write about may not be as serious as political views or as arousing as sex tips, but then again they're not half bad for a light read now and then.

So if you're a blogger, blog away! Even if you're not the best story teller ;) .


Angry Voices said...

You're so right! @ I have to blog this! But then, never do get around to writing about it anyway. I guess it depends why you originally created your blog, and later what direction it took.

Many people I know started blogging because they wanted a place where they could put their thoughts together, and as their readership increased, the writing/ commenting bug bit them :D

Now for the main question: What event transpired that inspired you to write this particular piece? :P

lil vavz said...

I guess the guilt of not blogging enough like many others was slowly eating my insides. And as orgasmic as the feeling was, I decided to blog about blogging. Hence I blogged and took a stab at other bloggers. :P

Sue me :P