Friday, March 9, 2007


Say NO to drugs! --- is what they teach in school. But I think its about time they added a little extra something to it. And by that I mean -- Say NO to orkut!
Why? Well its just as addictive as any drug would be. Or atleast thats the way I see it. Because I admit I'm an orkutaholic. And if there existed a rehab centre to cure this 'disease', I'd definitely check myself into it!
I actually sat down and calculated the number of hours I spend on Orkut. As soon as i wake up in the morning I practically run downstairs (my computer is in the basement) and refresh my orkut page (which i dint even bother closing the night before to reduce the hassle of signing in every minute) and check by how many my scraps have gone up! Then I quickly go through them before I get myself back upstairs to brush my teeth and take a shower ( Yes I dont even have the patience to brush my teeth before checkin my scraps.) !
I even have my breakfast in front of my computer so that I can keep track of my scraps every minute. I cant study without refreshing the page after evey paragraph I read (Thank God it aint after every line).
In the end I realised I spend around 16 hrs everyday orkutting my ass off. The rest of the time I use to sleep (usually 4 hrs or less), eat (dinner with my mom) ,shower (twice everyday) & study (sometimes). Am I proud of this? No. Because I could have used most of that time to do something a little more useful.
Well I've finally decided to alter my schedule! I'm gonna make more use of my time by reading a book or working out or going out with my friends or watchin the news even! Anything that will help me stay off of orkut!
I'm not saying I'm going to quit orkut completely. I'm just going to reduce the time I spend on it and I'm very determined to succeed in my plan!