Tuesday, May 8, 2007


SUMMER VACCATION - two words that will make anyone want to jump in joy (literally in my case!)

After months of torturing myself with books and exams, the thought of 4 glorious months of vaccation has pretty much the same effect on me as weed would!
But what I find funny is how people decide to go away to different places during the summer. Going away during winter makes more sense! Especially if your living in Canada where you see more white than green. These are the months you get to throw away those heavy jackets and winter boots and switch to more appealing attire, mainly tanks and flip-flops!
Well these are a few things summer reminds me of:

Sunscreen Lotion (lots of it!)
Icecream (the perfect way to cool down!)

Pool Parties
Flip-flops (if your a girl you need to own atleast 3 pairs!)
Pedicures (essential!!)
WATER! (last thing you want is to be dehydrated)
Skirts (one thing boys miss seeing during winter)
Bikinis (soemthing else boys miss seeing during winter)
Air conditioners
Deodrant (noone likes to smell sweat)

Well that's all I can think of at the moment. But those are definitely some of the first things that will hit anyones mind as soon as they think of summer!
And I dont think its right for me to spend anymore time of my vaccation on this entry! =)